Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Check we change our Tokyo plan for rainy day? 2024/4/23 04:18
We (2 adults and 8 years old) are visiting Tokyo for a day, on 24th. Till now, here was our plan -->
- Reach HND airport at 5:35 and leave by 7 AM, after luggage collection and immigration formalities.
- Train to Shinagawa Station, drop luggage at locker and then train to Meiji Jignu.
- Train to Sensoji Temple.
- Train to TeamLab Borderless. Leave by 17:00 and take 18:00 Shinakansen train to Kyoto.

Now, as my travel date is just 2 days away and I am seeing strong forecast of good rain on 24th, I am thinking, if I will need to change our plans?
Are Meiji Jignu/Sensoji Temple open areas?
Teamlab Borderless is fixed, rest plan is flexible. Should we keep any alternate plan? What would you suggest?
Kindly advice.
by reindeer08  

Re: Check we change our Tokyo plan for rainy day? 2024/4/23 11:59
Yes, at both Meiji Jingu and Sensoji, you need to walk along long roofless paths (if that's what your question is about).

If I were to chose one, I would chose Sensoji and drop Meiji Jingu, because there are numerous shop stands along the path to the temple at Sensoji which would be entertaining for your 8 year old while providing a more "old Tokyo" atmosphere that you wouldn't be experiencing in Kyoto.

I suppose you are aiming to see both a Shinto shrine and a Buddhist temple, but you can see shrines in Kyoto which even has more history.

If you want to stay indoors all along while learning about old culture, why not visit the Tokyo National Museum? You can spend a whole day there and even enjoy lunch.

The Tokyo National Museum and Sensoji are both located in the older area of Tokyo. While at it, you may want to ride the semi-local-semi-touristic guide-less Megurin bus that takes you throughout the area.

I hope you all have fun tomorrow!
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Check we change our Tokyo plan for rainy day? 2024/4/23 12:11
I was going to suggest the Edo-Tokyo Museum, but it's closed for renovations.

Miraikan is a lot of fun, a variety of interesting activities and displays, and you can ride the monorail to get there.

Sensoji would I think be less miserable in the rain than Meiji Jingu, just because it's not a park (with gravel underfoot) but a pedestrian area.

Enjoy TeamLab, and have a great day, whatever you decide.
by Who? (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Check we change our Tokyo plan for rainy day? 2024/4/23 13:03
Thanks for suggestions.
We are anyway going to see temples and shrines in Kyoto, so we are good if we can see something different in Tokyo. Thatfs why we planned for TeamLab which could entertain our son also. If it rains heavy, museum is good option. I am still hoping that mother natures gives us some breathing space to see places 🙂
by reindeer08 rate this post as useful

Re: Check we change our Tokyo plan for rainy day? 2024/4/23 17:00
Maybe I am too childish, but I would like to recommend Yurikamome..

There are many movies on Youtube.

For me Tokyo is a big modern city. You can see historic Japan elsewhere, like Kyoto and Nara.

You can buy one day pass.

by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Check we change our Tokyo plan for rainy day? 2024/4/23 23:41
Thanks folks. Appreciate your help and suggestions on this post. Will follow.
by reindeer08 rate this post as useful

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