Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Status "Return to Sender" 2024/4/16 10:24
Our parcel, sent from Osaka has the status "return to sender". However, we have flown back to Australia and are no longer in Japan. Could you please confirm what is happening and where the parcel will be re-directed to?
by Minnie Wu (guest)  

Re: Status ''Return to Sender'' 2024/4/16 15:44
You can't ask anonymous internet users like us to "confirm" anything about your parcel. Did you send it from a post office in Japan (instead of other delivery services)? If so, you need to ask Japan Post. All we can do is to guess.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Status ''Return to Sender'' 2024/4/16 17:12
Sounds like it is being sent back to the sender.

If it was left at the post office for too long without pick up. Then the post office will return it.

Best to ask the post office.

by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Status ''Return to Sender'' 2024/4/16 18:19
A delivery failure notice will hold the item for seven days for pick-up or re-delivery. If you are back in Australia, the item will be returned to the person/organisation that sent it to you.
You need to get in touch (if possible) with the sending person/organisation and arrange international shipping.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Status ''Return to Sender'' 2024/4/16 18:45
From the original question, I had the impression that the "sender" is the OP themselves and that they no longer are at the sender's address written on the parcel. In any case, the OP can contact Japan Post or whatever delivery service they used.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Status ''Return to Sender'' 2024/4/16 21:01
Is what you sent food?
I have sent food to Australia, but there was an error at the plant quarantine and the package was returned.
The sender will probably be the place you sent it when you were in Japan.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

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