Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

How to set up the right color for my TV? 2024/4/14 22:11
Hi. I need a support for my japanese TV. I've been trying to set the color and I can't get it right. I want to know how to get the right color. Even tho I reset the color to default, it's still not right (too much yellow). My TV model is MTH-50RG4N. Please help me set my TV color right. Thank you.
by Riki (guest)  

Since no one seems to be replying 2024/4/16 13:26
Have you asked your retailer and manufacturer? If that didn't work, have you asked your neighborhood electric appliance store? If you ask, quite often someone from the store would drop by to see it, even if the TV has nothing to do with the store.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How to set up the right color for my TV? 2024/4/17 13:42
Did you check Google of how to set it up or call the manufacturer? I don't understand why you're asking random people on a forum of how to set-up a TV when there are literally millions of videos online from YouTube to Google to show you how to do stuff like this.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

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