Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Birth Delivery 2024/3/29 08:42
Hi, I badly needed your help regarding this.
I currently have a tourist visa here in Japan and will end by June. I am pregnant and expecting to have the baby by April. My family doesnft know that I am pregnant and I am really afraid. I know birth delivery is really expensive here in Japan. Do you know some hospital in Yokohama that can provide birth delivery service with lower cost? Or any institution or center that can help to reduce the cost? Huhu please help me.
by Errgggg  

Re: Birth Delivery 2024/3/29 13:27
Above and article about NPO Florence

Try above or any church volunteer group? You having no resident status, just make thing more difficult.
What are you doing now with pre-natal checkups and stuff?
FYI, when born in Japan your child won't received Japanese citizenship.
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Birth Delivery 2024/3/29 15:55
Birth delivery is expensive in Japan, because it's generally not covered by Japanese public insurance. I wonder if you're covered by insurance from your own country.

In any case, you should contact the places provided by the other poster. Safety comes first.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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