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Can I work on base with only SOFA visa? 2024/3/4 14:18
I gave up my japanese residency and got my SOFA. I would like to work on base and I was about to get hired at an NGO on base but the employer was concerned as I donft have a green card/not US citizen. I am not american nor japanese. Anyone know if I am eligible to work on base? I tried to ask the legal and even they were confused. I also did my background check etc but seems like no one really knows what documents I need to be able to work on base as a non-US national. Please help xx
by Annisa (guest)  

Re: Can I work on base with only SOFA visa? 2024/3/5 07:09
So if I'm understanding correctly, you currently have SOFA status, but no Japan residency status, and are neither a U.S. or Japanese citizen.

Generally, SOFA status allows you to live and work certain jobs on base. However, on-base jobs are governed by U.S. law, and requirements will vary by the specific position. Some jobs will require U.S. citizenship, some will require SOFA status, and some will not require either.

Unfortunately, none of us know the requirements for the specific job that you have applied for so your eligibility is something that the NGO and the base will have to sort out.
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