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How long to transfer luggage to other city? 2024/2/6 19:32
I want to use the Yamato service of luggage transfer (or any other similar) to move my suitcase from Tokyo to Osaka, but, I wanna do a small road trip in the middle of the transfer, so I would pick up the suitcase 14 days after I send it, is it possible? Which is the best service recommendation for this?

Also, if I travel to an Airbnb in Osaka, can I transfer the suitcase to the nearest 7eleven?

Thanks so much.
by Sergi Alonso (guest)  

Re: How long to transfer luggage to other city? 2024/2/7 08:16
You can only do 7 days in advance maximum. If you need 14 days. You need to send it to wherever your are, then resent it again.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How long to transfer luggage to other city? 2024/2/7 08:30
To add to PP. if you are sending it to a hotel you can ASK them if they can hold it for you. So you would delay the shipment as much as possible but then the hotel would still need to hold it for you for an other week. Not all hotels will accept this

Regarding 7/11 you can ship FROM there but to me knowledge not TO there. For Airbnbs some have staff and you can ship there (speak with them) but many donft. For those that donft you can THEORETICALLY still ship stuff there IF youfll be there at the time of delivery (which you can pick within a 2-3 h period. ) However while I have done that if you donft know the specific AIRBNB and how tgeir access situation is (is there a bell that will ring in your apartment?c) it an be tricky. I would recommend that only to people who have a Japanese phone number and can speak Japanese. You can however ship stuff to a Yamato center. But I donft think they will hold it for you for a week (in addition to the week they are already holding it during the shipment.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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