Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Shops in Akihabara - used HiFi equipment 2024/1/31 11:17
Do you a know if I could find any shops in Akihabara that sell used stereo amplifiers. I know that it is possible to buy online. But I would like to audition or test them before I buy.

by darrelj  

Re: Shops in Akihabara - used HiFi equipment 2024/2/1 09:41
Hi-Fi Dō Akihabara Shop ハイファイ堂 秋葉原店, google map search it
Shop #3 is for used, displayed items..

HardOff Akihabara shop, hit and miss.
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Shops in Akihabara - used HiFi equipment 2024/2/1 12:05
It has been very difficult to get a response on this topic . Thank you very much for your input. It helps.
by darrelj rate this post as useful

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