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Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 11:36
I'm PR holder in japan.I was studying at my home country in cse 1st semester.I have gap year. I want to study in japan in engineering undergraduate programs.But I am afraid to take entrance exams and my japanese proficiency isn't good.So is there any way to get into universities here without entrance exams?I also have interest in art .So for art related subjects is there opportunities to get into university without entrance exams?Without entrance exam ,can someone recommend some easy accepted universities in japan ,please?
by Kantha (guest)  

Re: Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 15:33
Please come japan as Masters student or Research student.most undergraduate prog has entrance exam to select best candidate
by Meritage (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 16:38
Thank you so much for your response.
by Kantha (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 16:44

At least you’d need to be able to show that your Japanese language is good enough to keep up with classes. Or, you could look for a university where the classes are taught in English (there are some). But they would have some entrance requirements, though they might not exactly be “exams” that you have to sit for.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 17:21
Thank you so much for your reply.
by Kantha (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 22:05
Senmongakko (vocational college) is much easier to enter, although classes can be more demanding. Meanwhile, any person is free to visit any university, befriend students, perhaps engage in circle activities if they welcome you, and eat at the uni's cafeterias.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 22:18
Thank you.But I don't understand about visiting university.Can I just casually visit universities and meet with people without studying there?
by Kantha (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Without entrance exam universities 2024/1/28 22:46
Most university gates in Japan are open to the public, so any person would be free to walk around the campus, cafes and lounges. Most universities also hold annual festivals, and there are various events throughout the year that are designed to welcome visitors of all kinds.

To take classes, and perhaps use the library, you need to be a qualified student. But a lot of universities also accept 聴講生 (choukousei: auditing student) who can regularly take certain classes without enrolling to the school itself.

I was wondering what you seek in universities. If you just want to study, a senmongakko is even better. But if you want to enjoy campus life in general, you can still get the gist of it. I thought it was similar in a lot of countries around the world.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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