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Buy Second Hand HiFi Yokohama 2024/1/16 14:34
I use to work on ships and Yokohama was a port we visit every 3 months. This is in 1990’s.
At that time we use to go to a place called motomachi (I think) . This street sells all types of second hand electronic, hifi stuff.
Can we still buy second hand items and where can I buy these closer to Yokohama or Tokyo. My interest is in getting a vintage Hi Fi Amplifier. I already have a Japanese Rotel Stereo Amp and it has the option of switching from 110 - 220 volt.
by darrelj  

Re: Buy Second Hand HiFi Yokohama 2024/1/17 01:51
Try a store called Hard Off (ハードオフ).
They have many branches, including one in Yokohama.
I went to their Kichijoji branch in Tokyo. Everything in the store looked new.
They even had several electrostatic speakers, which I am a big fan of.
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