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Parcel sent to Fukuoka at Tokyo customs? 2024/1/10 23:37

I recently sent out a parcel to my friend who lives in Fukuoka.

I checked the parcel status this afternoon and it states that it is held by customs at Tokyo. Why is it in Tokyo? And is that normal? I paid for EMS and I hope it being in Tokyo doesnft delay the delivery.

Thanks in advance :D
by Devon (guest)  

Re: Parcel sent to Fukuoka at Tokyo customs? 2024/1/11 08:59
It simply depends on through which airport it entered Japan. No big deal. All parcels need to clear customs once somewhere in Japan.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Parcel sent to Fukuoka at Tokyo customs? 2024/1/11 10:07
because international parcel sending corresponds to an export or an import.
in worst cases when your itemization is inappropriate, the receiver needs to pay import tax.
also, they check the presence of illegal items, like illegal drugs and/or fake bags and fake clothes, etc.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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