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Where can I rent a car seat for a child? 2024/1/3 03:40
Our family is traveling to Japan in April, we are mostly going to use my sister-in-laws car during this time. I have 3 children traveling with us, 7, 5 year and 11 month old, is there a place where I could rent a car seat for the children for 16 days?

Thank you in advance
by Sarah12345 (guest)  

Re: Where can I rent a car seat for a child? 2024/1/3 09:17
Please check the airport youfre arriving at. They might have them.
by andrea (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where can I rent a car seat for a child? 2024/1/3 10:50
If you are not renting out a car but just the gchild seat,h ask your sister in Japan to look around for a rental service - companies like DUSKIN (rents out a wide variety of household goods) and BabyRenta rent out child seats. It would be convenient if your sister can pick it up (or ask for delivery to her home).
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Where can I rent a car seat for a child? 2024/1/3 23:17
generally speaking, many car owners in Japan choose car insurances which cover only family members, because those are cheaper than others which cover random people.
please make sure that the car is insured.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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