Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 11:41
In the 60s to mid 70s, I used to watch Japanese TV drama featuring girls' teams of various sports with fantasy elements. Does anyone know where I can find any content online?

One about swimming: swimmers had to learn fantastical tricks (e.g. kicking off while flipping at one end of the pool and flying through the pool, swimming in one breadth, etc.)

One about volleyball: two players could fly high up into the air and confuse their opponents before one of them would slam the ball down

One about bowling: the bowlers could do tricks such as causing the ball to rotate to knock down a split on both far ends.
by sfvoyage  

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 15:43

Here are some references for your request:
金メダルへのターン: You may check website as below:〜b6e2a5e1a5c0a5eba4d8a4cea5b-fa1bca5f3/.

アタックNo.1: Platform for video:
by Kakuhiro rate this post as useful

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 15:50
Thank you for your reply, but I don't know how to use the 2 links.

The first link has no reference to TV shows.
The second link points to an anime, but I am lookin g for real life TV shows, not cartoon shows.

Does anyone know the TV show names in English and/or Japanese for me go search online?
by sfvoyage rate this post as useful

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 15:51
Sorry, the above address for "金メダルへのターン" was wrong.
You can check youtube texting 金メダルへのターン.
by Kakuhiro rate this post as useful

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 15:57
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I found platform for TV drama titled アタックナンバー1as below:

Now you can enjoy it.
by Kakuhiro rate this post as useful

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 16:14
Thank you very much for the search terms for youtube. I was able to find some short video clips of the swimming, volleyball and bowling clips.

I like this one!
by sfvoyage rate this post as useful

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 20:31
It seems to be a drama called 「燃えろアタック」(Moero Attack).
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/18 20:38
「サインはV」(The sign is V) may be around the same time.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Late 60s to mid 70s Japanese TV melodrama 2023/12/19 04:39
Thank you so much for your help!
by sfvoyage rate this post as useful

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