Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

STD test in Tokyo? 2023/12/12 11:58
-how long does it take to get the result?
-how much does it cost?
-I donft want to inform any member of the family unless the result is positive, is there any chance that they may inform the family without my consent?
Thank you.
by Kyle (guest)  

Re: STD test in Tokyo? 2023/12/12 21:41
I hope this answers all your questions.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: STD test in Tokyo? 2023/12/13 09:06
Did you just copy n paste this or same person?

Note that those STD/STI/HIV test are not covered by NH insurance.
If you want to get tested with/using insurance, visit the clinic WITH symptom and then they will do a test to confirm.However it will show on your NH billing (just visit to clinic, not details test/treatments)

Free test at city health center but takes 2-3 weeks for result.

You can get online test kit also.

search for A=urology clinic, they should be able to get you tested. Don't go anywhere near your neighbourhood, word travel fast ;-) .Below are clinics that pop up on net when people ask for STD clinic...
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

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