Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/21 04:31

In Germany and in many other Western countries, there are hardly any Coronarius precautions any more in medical settings, as of November 2023. Just recently two university hospitals have re-introduced mask requirements.

I have read your article on masks here:

"On March 13, 2023, the government dropped its recommendation to wear masks and is now leaving it up to the individual to decide whether to wear a mask or not. Only in places such as medical institutions and on crowded public transportation, the government continues to recommend the use of masks."

My question:
1a). Does this mean the Japanese health ministery does NOT require that doctors and medical staff wear masks?
1b) IF doctors/staff are required to wear masks, what kind of masks are they required to wear: FFP2/N95, or just any kind of mask?

2a) Are there hospital and doctors' offices in Japan where patients are NOT required to wear masks? (FFP2/N95, or just any masks?)
2b) IF patientes are required to wear masks, what kind of masks are they required to wear: FFP2/N95, or just any kind of mask?

Optional additional question:
Are you aware that medical staff in Japan has protested that they do not want to wear masks, or that doctor's associations and hospital associations have actively pushed to abandon masks?

Thank you very much! I am very interested in the different culture pertaining to air hygiene and politeness/respect pertaining to mask wearing, between Western countries, and Japan.

by matthias1980  

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/21 20:33
1a. "recommend" is "recommend", not be requested, not be forced.
1b. question not applicable.

2a. I think all hospitals and all clinics request patient's mask wearing. also, all doctors and staffs wear mask, for protecting their bodies from patient's diseases.
2b. anyone. it is for the sake of patients, not for staffs and doctors, because all patients have something sickness in their bodies (that is the reason why they are there.).

"Are you aware that medical staff in Japan has protested that they do not want to wear masks, or that doctor's associations and hospital associations have actively pushed to abandon masks?"

there is no such action in Japan.

in your country, surgeons operate surgeries without wearing masks ?
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/21 21:28
Agree with PP

However I went to get another covid jab a few weeks ago and only about half of the people getting a jab were wearing masks. Obviously all employees wore one.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/21 21:40
Thank you very much.
During surgery (!), doctors wear masks.
But I am talking about Coronavirus. In many hospitals and doctors' offices, doctors and nurses do NOT wear masks any more in Germany (and also not in the USA, I think). 95% of patients also do not wear masks. Only in very few doctors's offices, patients are required to wear a mask. In cancer clinics, doctors and many patients to NOT wear masks.
It is NOT rare that doctors, nurses and patients tend to get upset or even aggressive when they are asked to wear a mask. It is very different culture than in Japan I think. I was thinking in Japan, it has to do with politeness and respect also.

Just curious: Does anyone know approximately how the percentages are in hospitals, at doctors' offices: How many perfenct wear a "normal" (green/flat) "surgical/medical" mask, and how many percent wear a respirator mask (like "N95" / "FFP2"), "white foldable high filtration mask? (like these : )

Thank you very much again! I wonder what Japanese tourists think when they come here... !

by matthias1980 rate this post as useful

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/21 23:38
In general normal surgical masks are the standard. The other ones you see only very occasionally.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/22 02:54
I would like to thank everybody for the excellent and helpful answers.

by matthias1980 rate this post as useful

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/22 08:29
hospitals and clinics are the places where sick people come together.
the argument point is how the healthy people treat un-healthy and/or weak people in your world.
wearing mask in medical fields is for the purposes that you do not become weak and that weak people do not become more weak.

because it is very dry (low moisture) in winter in Japan, even very healthy persons could be infected with influenza. mask will protect you by maintaining your throat (and nose) wet.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/22 09:10
As far as I know from my surroundings (Tokyo), in my local clinics all the nurses and the doctor wear facial masks (the nurses more gregularh masks, and the doctor wears a bit more fully protective one). And they ask that the patients wear masks too - in fact in one place, they offer you one for free if you happen to forget yours. At another clinic, they offered one for sale (for a small amount).

And as a Tokyo resident, I put on a mask when walking into clinics, walking into supermarkets/department stores, small stores, and crowded trains.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Masks in hospitals, at doctors' office? 2023/11/22 19:17
Doctors, nurses and visitors have always been required to wear masks at medical facilities even pre-covid.

But the thing is that both Influenza and Covid is still spreading here in Japan, and even at places like orthopedics or ophthalmic clinics, you see signs (in Japanese language) encouraging visitors to wear masks at all times. In reality, however, at bone doctors or eye doctors, a lot of visitors freely chat without wearing masks.

But the other day, I wasn't wearing a mask and kept my mouth shut while looking the other way when an elderly stranger pat me on the shoulder and "kindly told me" that I'm supposed to wear one - at an eye doctor. Okay, I did notice the sign. So, I asked the reception for one, and I wore it. And I kept it on even after the elderly left. Then a big family came in and started chatting without their masks on.

Stuff happens. And people do tend to visit doctors when their whole body is weak in one way or another.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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