Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Translate an omikuji 2023/11/13 22:05
Hi there, I received this omikuji from Kyoto, Fushimi Inari Taisha.

Appreciate if anyone can provide a detailed explanation, especially the meaning of the verse mentioned on the bottom right. Please feel free to be as honest as you can be.

Thank you!

by Ivy (guest)  

Re: Translate an omikuji 2023/11/14 09:19
You can find your omikuji here, scroll down to Number 26. 二十六番 : 凶後吉
Use google translate.

Google translation from above link, while waiting for someone with better translation comes along.
Meaning of fortune
My existence, floating unsteadily, becomes more and more like dregs of seaweed, and although I am drifting toward the worse, it is as if there is no fence to hold me back.

This fortune teller is a sign that listening too much to other people's opinions can lead to bad things. If you don't get out of this situation as soon as possible, your life will take a turn for the worse. Consider this your last chance to improve.
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