Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Looking For Gagaku/Traditional Performances 2023/10/25 18:13
Can I please have help as I've struggled to find traditional music performances in November in Japan.

Looking for events between 8th and 22nd of November this year.

Will travel anywhere for good shows. Or similiar vain occasions.
by Jack Poll  

Re: Looking For Gagaku/Traditional Performances 2023/10/26 09:17
It's truly unfortunate that our country doesn't have a foreign language website that lists traditional music performances. Or does it? From a quick Google search, here is a couple of websites.

"2023年 11月 11日" is Nov 11, and the information below that are for later dates.

In the list below, you need to type in the region of the venue, but this is for Kanto region

I hope these can get you somewhere.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Looking For Gagaku/Traditional Performances 2023/10/30 15:50
Can you please help me figure out how to use the website to purchase tickets? Its asking me to authenticate my number but I cant provide my Australian number. Is there another service to purchase tickets from?
by Jack Poll rate this post as useful

Re: Looking For Gagaku/Traditional Performances 2023/10/30 18:39
Can you please help me figure out how to use the website to purchase tickets?

Which website or concert are you referring to?
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Looking For Gagaku/Traditional Performances 2023/10/30 19:54
Eplus, they say you need to register a number to start an account in order to buy a ticket. Would be such a life saver if you knew how I could get tickets on the website
by Jack Poll rate this post as useful

Re: Looking For Gagaku/Traditional Performances 2023/10/31 00:09
With Eplus (and probably with most other on-line ticket services), you need to pick up your ticket in advance anyway, so they'd need proof that you can be contacted within Japan.

Have you tried giving them a phone call?
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Looking For Gagaku/Traditional Performances 2023/10/31 01:46
FushimiInari(@Kyoto) 8th Nov after sunset(18:00).

Please see the homepage Fushimiinari.

by o8youo8you rate this post as useful

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