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Fan letter to Take (Uzaki-chan author)? 2023/10/24 15:55
Hello there , everyone. :3

I am from Iceland and a big fan of Take, the author of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!, a popular manga and anime series.
And I want to send him a fan letter to express my admiration and appreciation for his work and ask him some questions about his creative process and stuff

However, I donft know how to send a fan letter to a manga author in Japan.
I obviously donft know his address, so I read something about sending it to his publisher. However, I still donft quite know how to do that or how to write the address correctly.

Ifm asking if anyone could help me with where to send it and how to format it.

Thank you for your help.
I appreciate it very much. :3
by Ingimundur05  

Re: Fan letter to Take (Uzaki-chan author)? 2023/10/26 09:10
The better way is send a fan letter to a publishing company.
According to Wikipedia, that manga you mentioned is published from the website called "ƒhƒ‰ƒhƒ‰ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“" by the publishing company called Kadokawa, and Kadokawa shows own address for accepting fan letters.

In your case, the address should be written like below.

ƒhƒ‰ƒhƒ‰ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“•าW•”‹C•t ไๆถˆถ
by Stip (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Fan letter to Take (Uzaki-chan author)? 2023/10/26 23:20
Thank you so much!

Do you think i should write something like to Take on the envelope or just what you said?

Maybe put another envelope inside the other envelope?

What do you think?
by Ingimundur05 rate this post as useful

Re: Fan letter to Take (Uzaki-chan author)? 2023/10/27 21:45
Hi Ingimundur05,

Just write it as you would have it delivered directly to Take. The publisher would read everything anyway before passing it on to him.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Fan letter to Take (Uzaki-chan author)? 2023/10/29 19:24
As Uco-san explained, most (all?) publishing companies open and check all fan letters before passing them to the authors to avoid troubles. So you don't have to put another envelope in it. Just write the address on the envelope.

Do you think i should write something like to Take on the envelope or just what you said?<i/>

Don't worry about it. "ไๆถˆถ" within the address I wrote here means just what you want to tell, like "To Mr Take". So that will work.

And the company also says like below:
-We may not accept items other than letters to the author.
-As a rule, we do not accept food, living organisms, or items of large weight or capacity.
-We cannot promise a reply from the author.

We need to keep in mind the third one especially.
by Stip (guest) rate this post as useful

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