Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Mobal short term vs. long term 2023/7/30 08:01

I have some questions to the mobal sim card to whoever has experience with it.

I'm interested into the mobal sim cards with the option to do and receive phone calls.
As I see they are suggesting different packages for long term or short term stays.

What puzzles me is that there is a short term sim package 7GB data + voice for 30 days about 2,970+4,950 = 7,920
On the other hand there is also an offer for a long term sim card with 30GB data + voice for a month about 2,970 + 4,378 = 7,348. It also says that there is no minimum contract term.

So why I shouldn't take the long term sim card and cancel it after 30 days. Do I oversee something? Does someone maybe already have experience with this?

Thanks for the answer in advance
best regards
by foxmind  

Re: Mobal short term vs. long term 2023/7/30 18:14
Who are you getting the sim card from? Do they have special terms in regards to the sim card agreement that you're using from them? Sometimes they make it so you can't just simply "cancel" with them and that it comes with some kind of long-term agreement before you can cancel, or perhaps they may say you need to pay some kind of cancellation fee.

I would just look at the fine writing. Otherwise, you could just get a pre-paid sim card with data and voice.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Mobal short term vs. long term 2023/7/31 02:56
Well actually this is my question, if anyone has experience with it.
by foxmind rate this post as useful

Re: Mobal short term vs. long term 2023/7/31 03:13
You are right their web page although it is very long lacks crucial information. They do claim though that they have an English customer helpline so try them.

2 points I could imagine
1) the long term card is from day 1 to 31 of every month. The first month is prorated but the second is full. So unless you are traveling exactly from a first to last day of a month youfll be paying for more than 30 days
2) tge long term card is actually only available to residents but not tourists. The text kind of implies this. But it is vague.

I am actually surprised that they offer phone numbers to non residents. I had been under the impression that in Japan only residents can have a phone number.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Mobal short term vs. long term 2023/7/31 08:03
I had been under the impression that in Japan only residents can have a phone number.
Under the telecommunications law, there is a requirement that you need to be resident to have a voice service with a phone. My understanding is that Mobal have a loophole where the customer does not actually "own" the number they subscribe to and it is some kind of long term rental.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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