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Anime Jazz sessions 2023/7/11 19:18

Im going to be back to Japan (again!) next November and I'd like to know if there's any session of jazz music in Tokyo, Kyoto or Osaka that plays Anime Songs. Stuff like this:

Thank you very much!

On another hand, any advice on a good Jazz club for a drink & music night in one of these three cities?
by cochese  

Re: Anime Jazz sessions 2023/7/12 09:14
Perhaps Yuji Ohno is in recuperation, so I don't think the concert will be held.
At the bottom of this page is a link to a jazz live house.
I don't always play jazz, but I've been to Billboard Live in Tokyo, Osaka, and Motion Blue, and I like it.
I also went to Blue Note Tokyo once.
We talked with the musicians after the performance.
There is also the Cotton Club.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Anime Jazz sessions 2023/7/12 12:48
I don't know about anime jazz, but the places given by the other poster would be very expensive and playing is exceptionally allowed for the best musicians in the world.

If you want to join sessions, perhaps you can start below and expand information.

And here is a list of affordable places where you can listen to live jazz performances.

For bars where records would be playing, among the famous ones is Dug in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

I hope you find what you want.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Anime Jazz sessions 2023/7/13 16:51
thank you!
by cochese rate this post as useful

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