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Looking for indie music / shows 2023/6/19 02:54
Hi! I am traveling to Japan for a few weeks in September. I'm a big music head, and I am hoping to spend some time in the underground and local music scene in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Does anyone have recommendations for venues and listening bars I should look into? I would love to hear about your favorite local bands. I love garage, psych, electronic, house, shoegaze, synth and funk music.
by gabinreallife  

Re: Looking for indie music / shows 2023/6/22 21:24
In Tokyo, probably Shibuya and its surroundings would have a lot of those. In the list of venues shown below, click 詳細情報 for details on each venue.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for indie music / shows 2023/7/3 02:44
by Stan Norrell rate this post as useful

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