Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Kaga Onsen town? 2023/5/12 06:11
My husband and I will be staying in Kaga Onsen for 2 nights between Kanazawa and Kyoto in early November. Currently, I have a reservation in Yamanaka for 2 nights. I imagine the day we arrive, wefll enjoy exploring the town and walking along the gorge. Ifd like to explore the other towns, seeing some of the traditional crafts and visiting Natadera temple.

We will be traveling by public transportation. Looking at the Canbus schedule, I see the bus doesnft stop frequently in Yamanaka. Are there taxis that are easily available? Or, are we better off staying in one of the other towns? Yamashiro onsen looks generally more accessible.

Thank you for any recommendations!
by paulesue  

Re: Kaga Onsen town? 2023/5/12 17:36
I do vaguely remember there being a couple of taxis around - but I ended up planning my trip around the 9AM bus and the 4PM bus back from memory. Remember that some stops (such as Natadera Temple) have multiple buses running through them.

What I did is here:

You are already probably aware of the website:

I did find the combo ticket was worth it though....
by mfedley rate this post as useful

Re: Kaga Onsen town? 2023/5/12 19:46
Thanks SO much medley! I did read your report of your visit and loved it - in fact, that was probably what reassured me that we could do this visit.

The reminder that there are multiple buses in other locations is very helpful.
by paulesue rate this post as useful

Re: Kaga Onsen town? 2023/5/12 21:37
Sorry, that was meant to say gmfedleyh!

And thank you again.
by paulesue rate this post as useful

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