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Question about CBD Oil 2023/4/19 13:20

I have been to Japan before, but always get extreme anxiety for a couple weeks leading up to a flight (not about the flight itself, but fear of getting sick beforehand and not being able to go - and in turn the anxiety causes me to start feeling sick, every time). I'm planning to ask a doctor about solutions, and realize that CBD oil (which I've never taken before) might be one of the suggestions. Would there be any risk of getting in to trouble when flying to Japan in terms of swab tests, etc, if I were to take some leading up to a flight? I would not be planning to bring any with me at all as I would only need it for the weeks leading up to the flight.

Thank you!
by Iorek (guest)  

Re: Question about CBD Oil 2023/4/20 10:44
As far as I know, CBD oil is fine in Japan (even sold and prescribed for medical uses in Japan). It is THC that is illegal here.

So using it up to the travel date should be no problem.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Question about CBD Oil 2023/4/21 02:31
Hi Lorek,

I hope you find a nice solution in the oil, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm a big traveler, and I do always get the "fear of getting sick beforehand and not being able to go - and in turn the anxiety causes me to start feeling sick, every time". And it's part of what I love.

I would go to the airport or train station, thinking I may have forgotten something, and then boarding the flight/train. Then, as I actually depart, I love that feeling of thinking, "Now I can't turn back, and all I can do is to leave my troubles behind and see where this journey gets me to."

Over the years, I've come to think that it's not that rare for people to feel that way. They just don't bother to tell you.

I've also noticed that, personally for me, I tend to keep myself healthier when I don't work longer hours before the trip. And if I do get sick, it's usually because of some kind of stress I unconsciously suffered a few days ago, so I try to think, "Ah, that was what it caused this." and I just soak into my bed for a day and baby myself (which was what I was doing today!).
by Uco rate this post as useful

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