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Japanese phrases for photo/videographer 2023/4/13 20:05
Hi there,
I am planning to take a lot photos and videos on my trip to Japan, but I donft know how to ask for a permission.

Can anyone help me translating these easking for a permissionf phrases?

- can i take a picture of you?
- do you mind if i take a video of you?

And maybe, if there are other useful phrases, I would really love to know it and appreciate it

Thank you!
by LimanJS  

Re: Japanese phrases for photo/videographer 2023/4/18 19:58
Whatever country I travel to, I always get away with aiming the camera and saying, "Photo/video okay?"

I'm a Japanese resident, if that helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese phrases for photo/videographer 2023/4/19 18:18
While I (another Japanese resident) am also aware that that short phrase works, I get it that the OP wants to be more polite and ask in the local language.
If so, then:

- Shashin wo totte mo, ii desu ka? (Is it OK I take photos (of you)?)
- Video wo totte mo, ii desu ka? (Is it OK I take a video (of you)?)
cwhile gesturing to the person(s) you want to take a photo of (not to point with a finger, but hand extended to them, palm up) would be fine.

If asked something like what you are going to use the photos for ("shashin wo nani ni tsukaimasu ka?" might be one way people might ask, but there would be a lot of variants of how that might be phrased),
- Watashi no blog ni nosemasu./ Watashi no blog ni agemasu. (I will post to my blog.)
- SNS ni nosemasu/SNS ni agemasu. (I will post to my social media.)
- Jibun no kiroku no tame dake desu. (It is only for my record.)

by AK rate this post as useful

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