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Apple Curry Rice (Near Aomori Station) 2023/3/11 10:15
I have very limited time in Aomori City when I visit and I'll be around Aomori station. I'd very much like to try Apple Curry Rice and wondering if any one can recommended a spot/restaurant near Aomori Station. Hopefully at least less than an hour away by train. I tried checking on Google and have had not much luck. Most are more than an hour away from Aomori Station.

I'd really appreciate the recommendations!
by spiderliliez  

Re: Apple Curry Rice (Near Aomori Station) 2023/3/11 14:15
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Apple Curry Rice (Near Aomori Station) 2023/3/11 14:48
At the cafe inside the Aomori Museum of Art, you can also eat curry with apples (apples are not the main ingredient).
Menu called Special Aomori Chicken Curry
The closing days of the museum are not included.
Even if you don't have a museum ticket, you can use it.
You can also eat it at the Taisho Roman Tea Room in Hirosaki, but it may take more than an hour to travel.
Hirosaki apple beef curry(弘前産のりんご入りビーフカレー)
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Apple Curry Rice (Near Aomori Station) 2023/3/13 08:20
Thank you very much, haro1210 for the recommendations. I'll look into those!
by spiderliliez rate this post as useful

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