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Peanut/ Nut Allergy Recommendations 2023/2/27 03:05
I am travelling to Japan for this first time in September and have a peanut/tree nut allergy. I always carry my allergy medication and epipen with me. I will be checking with staff at restaurants before eating but I do suffer with allergy anxiety so like to have some pre planned places that I know will be safe food.

I am travelling to Tokyo, Osaka and Kyto and would like to know if anyone has any food recommendations. I know that some chain restaurants provide allergen charts which is a relief. I also really want to try street food such as takoyaki, but again am concerned about nuts. Does anyone know of any street food items that donft typical contain nuts.

Thank you in advance for any advice :)
by Lucy Hickling (guest)  

Re: Peanut/ Nut Allergy Recommendations 2023/3/3 00:15
Well takoyaki doesnft contain nuts. And in most takoyaki places they only do takoyaki. So no dross contamination either.

Sushi should be totally fine

Just really most things.

Are you allergic to sesame as well? If yes, that might be the more troublesome Allergene.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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