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Aeon Mall Narita vegetarian restaurants 2023/1/31 07:36
Which, if any, of the restaurants at Aeon Mall Narita offer any vegetarian or vegan food (no dashi)?
by Patrick (guest)  

Re: Aeon Mall Narita vegetarian restaurants 2023/2/1 13:25
HappyCow does not list Aeon Mall Narita stores.
Aeon Mall Narita
If you don't mind eating cheese, there are Capricciosa (Italian) Margherita and Quattro Formaggio.
Alternatively, there is Saizeriya, which is more reasonable.
The wine may contain egg whites (to remove the sediment), so you might want to avoid it.
HALAL DOSA BIRYANI (Indian/Pakistani cuisine) seems to have a seasonal vegetable korma set. (contains heavy cream)
Masala dosa set (a South Indian dish of fresh vegetables cooked with spices and wrapped in a crepe) may also be served.
For light meals, there are crepe shops, bakery cafes, Starbucks and Tully's.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Aeon Mall Narita vegetarian restaurants 2023/2/1 13:40
Thank you very much for your helpful reply and the links to the restaurant menus.

We are vegan at home, but when we travel, vegetarian is OK.

We will try the Halal Dosa Biryani restaurant, as we like Indian food and especially dosa. Hopefully their vegetarian dishes are indeed vegetarian.

Again, thank you so much; your helpfulness is greatly appreciated!
by Patrick (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Aeon Mall Narita vegetarian restaurants 2023/2/2 11:43
If you get desperate the Starbucks in Japan have marked vegan options which are not available in the US.
My tween really liked them, they don't taste like fake meat.

They also carry vegan cake and vegan donuts.
by rkold rate this post as useful

Re: Aeon Mall Narita vegetarian restaurants 2023/2/2 13:27
Thank you for this. We are not coffee drinkers and wouldn't have known Starbucks in Japan serve vegan food. Great to know!
by Patrick (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Aeon Mall Narita vegetarian restaurants 2023/2/3 08:39
No problem.

When we were in Japan in 2020, the selection of vegan options was much lower but I was pleasantly surprised by the additions.

I think they switch out the vegan cakes on a semi regular basis and we didn't try it, but my tween really really liked the sandwich. It was great when it was late and I just couldn't face trying to get something at a restaurant or when we were waiting at the airport and our flight was delayed.

I like HappyCow, but it's honestly weird in terms of what is listed and what is not listed.
by rkold rate this post as useful

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