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Legal tattoo age in Japan in 2022+ 2023/1/29 15:19
I'm in japan for a few months and want to get a tattoo (i know all the stigmas and potential restrictions with tattoos no need to inform me). I'm 18 and have seen that the age to get a tattoo is/was 20 years old. But I'm wanting to know if that is still true in 2023. I know that the legal age of adulthood was lowered to 18 in 2022 which would make me a legal adult and not a minor so i theoretically should be able to get a tattoo at 18 in 2023. However, I'm not sure if tattoo age counts (because i know the drinking age is still 20, so obviously not everything was effects by this). If anyone knows please let tell me, i don't was speculations be cause i have a lot of that, but if anyone knows for facts if it is, or isn't legal, please let me know. Thanks in advance!
by Mason (guest)  

Re: Legal tattoo age in Japan in 2022+ 2023/1/29 20:03
You might just want to ask that particular tattoo place you are thinking of going.

Age is one thing (yes, 18 is now ggrown uph so no parental consent is needed for entering into contracts), and there are municipal governmentsf ordinances for the protection of youth - many cities consider gunder 18h as gyouthsh that should be gprotected,h so it should be legally ok.

But some places seem to think that they donft want people who just turned 18 to just rush to a tattoo parlor just for the sake of getting it done now that they can, but really want them to think a lot about exactly what they want out of tattoo, meaning to the individual, etc. (I read at least one place who wrote that in their website), so that they opt to keep the minimum age at 20.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Legal tattoo age in Japan in 2022+ 2023/2/6 14:04
I'm just curious, but is there any particular reason as to why you need to get a tattoo in Japan as opposed to overseas? Most people in Japan look down upon tattoos anyway, so it seems like a rash decision to just try and find a place to do it in Japan.

Not trying to tell you how to live your life, though you might want to reconsider what you are doing in life if your biggest hurdle in Japan is wondering if you can put a permanent mark on your body.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Legal tattoo age in Japan in 2022+ 2023/2/6 17:03
^ what Tom said.
by King of the World (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Legal tattoo age in Japan in 2022+ 2023/2/18 08:17
I got a an excellent tattoo at Three Tides Tattoo in Osaka a few years ago. Very easy experience, a few English speaking staff and a lot of info printed in English. No one asked for Id or anything, though it was my 50th birthday present to myself.

As someone with many tattoos I would highly recommend getting a tattoo i Japan.
by Rockitman (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Legal tattoo age in Japan in 2022+ 2023/4/8 21:38
The legal age to get a tattoo in Japan is 18 years old. This is the case for both traditional and modern tattoos, and applies to all tattoo studios and artists operating in Japan.

However, it's worth noting that tattoos are still somewhat stigmatized in Japan, particularly in certain areas such as public baths and swimming pools. Some establishments may prohibit entry to customers with visible tattoos, or require them to cover their tattoos with clothing or bandages.

It's also important to research and choose a reputable tattoo artist in Japan, as there have been cases of unlicensed and unregulated tattoo studios operating in the country. If you're planning to get a tattoo in Japan, it's recommended to do your research and choose a studio with a good reputation and a history of safe and hygienic practices.
by Goldenco (guest) rate this post as useful

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