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Where to see Gagaku (2023) 2023/1/27 11:59
I'll be in Japan mid April to early May 2023.
I'm hoping to see a Gagaku performance somewhere, or at least something featuring the Sho instrument. Happy to travel anywhere in Japan for this.
Just wondering where gagaku performances commonly take place and if there are any good websites listing dates/venues?
Thanks in advance
Kind Regards
by NormieRowboat  

Re: Where to see Gagaku (2023) 2023/1/28 08:16
Bugaku is dedicated here on April 22nd and on the first day of the rabbit in May.
April 22, 12:30-Shitennoji, Osaka
First Rabbit Day in May (May 9 in 2023) 13:00-Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha
Haven't posted yet, but here are some other helpful resources.
At this venue, a course to practice Sho is held on the first Saturday of every month.
It is not written about the visit, but if you ask the lecturer, there is a possibility that you will be able to observe it.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Where to see Gagaku (2023) 2023/2/11 14:22
Hi there,
Apologies for the delay.
Just wanted to thank you so much for your generous and detailed reply. Much appreciated!
Thanks again
by NormieRowboat rate this post as useful

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