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How would this name be read in Japanese? 2022/12/18 12:32
Hey, I'm moving to Japan soon and was looking up potential readings for 建良 for fun. I found out that it can be read many ways, including けんりょう, たけよし, たつよし, たけなが, たつなが, etc.

I was just wondering what the most intuitive reading of those Kanji as as name would be.

I am also wondering if たつなが is an uncool name, it sounds cool to me but I can also see it being a little ダサい.
by ljefan (guest)  

Re: How would this name be read in Japanese? 2022/12/19 11:51
There seems to be a well-known person (I don’t know though) whose given name of 建良 is read as けんりょう. “Kenryou.” I don’t think it can be read as “tatsunaga.” For “tatsunaga,” maybe the kanji is 建長, which has a different kanji (the 2nd one).

If i take a different kanji for the first one, 健良, then the reading can be “Kenryou,” “takeo,” “Takeyoshi,” and those seem to be existing names.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: How would this name be read in Japanese? 2022/12/19 12:00
I think it can be read that way. I was referencing this under the 名のり section
and names such as or
It does seem like a rarer reading though.
by ljefan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How would this name be read in Japanese? 2022/12/20 01:23
I don't think たつなが is ダサい, but the first thing that probably most Japanese natives would say is, "Why なが?" ダサい or not may depend on your answer to that question. For example, one of the most ダサい answers would be, "Because my favorite anime character (or favorite samurai)'s name is read that way."
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How would this name be read in Japanese? 2022/12/21 15:16
That makes sense since it's a rare reading.
Is けんりょう a more natural reading than たけよし?
by ljefan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How would this name be read in Japanese? 2022/12/22 01:47
I would say that けんりょう and たけよし are equally natural, except that ordinary Japanese parents would typically name the child たけよし, while けんりょう sounds either artistic or Chinese.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How would this name be read in Japanese? 2022/12/23 14:45
Nice, thank you for the help!
by ljefan (guest) rate this post as useful

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