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Fugu in Kyoto or Osaka 2022/11/9 09:47
Hi all,

Do you have any recommendation for fugu restaurant in Kyoto or Osaka? We are looking to experience fugu sashimi, or maybe full fugu course.

Thank you.
by Moccy  

Re: Fugu in Kyoto or Osaka 2022/11/10 17:48
I dont have a recommendation but I'm sure there is a fugu restaurant in Gion. The sashimi is fantastic (more-so because of the citrussy sauce they put on it), similar in taste and texture to thinly sliced snapper, but it isnt that nice stewed.
by Lazy Pious (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Fugu in Kyoto or Osaka 2022/11/10 18:54
There are fugu restaurants all over Japan. Although most of them are expensive, I haven't really encountered bad ones. Ask at your hotel or tourist information center for recommendations and reservations.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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