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Disney Sky 2022/7/3 02:40

There have been rumors of a third Disneyland theme park.
What are the updates about the new
Disney land Sky?
It would make sense to have 3 parks
land, sea, and air.
Thank you

by MxTxn5 (guest)  

Re: Disney Sky 2022/7/4 07:57
It's a rumor over 4 years old. Google it.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Disney Sky 2022/7/5 07:59
I don't see it materializing anytime soon though. They already have enough on their plate with 2 theme parks, not to mention, the decreased revenue and ticket sales over the past 2+ years due to the pandemic.
by Christian Hirose Romeo Graham rate this post as useful

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