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When did Kotohiki Beach become non-smoking? 2022/2/3 21:13
I understand that Kotohiki Beach was the first non-smoking beach in the world. When did this come into force? Also I'd be interested to know more of the flora and fauna skirting the beach - thanks, Jonathan
by JonathanMan  

Re: When did Kotohiki Beach become non-smoking? 2022/2/4 16:57
I understand that Kotohiki Beach was the first non-smoking beach in the world. When did this come into force?

I believe it was in 2001, when a by-law was established stating the area as a special protection zone as it says in the link below.

Also in the link, we see a photo on the upper right. The photo is automatically dated as "Sept 22, 2000" and the sign made by local middle school students implies that ashes may damage the precious sand.

Also I'd be interested to know more of the flora and fauna skirting the beach

From the link, you can jump to the page below:

I hope it helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: When did Kotohiki Beach become non-smoking? 2022/2/4 17:27
Thank you very much for the information… Jonathan
by JonathanMan rate this post as useful

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