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Japanese version of "Big in Japan"? 2022/1/17 22:22

Is there a Japanese version of "Big in Japan" by Alphaville?

by jonathan94  

Re: Japanese version of ''Big in Japan''? 2022/1/18 13:43
I looked up Alphaville, and Wikipedia in the Japanese language mentions all song titles in English only.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese version of ''Big in Japan''? 2022/1/18 14:14
Well, the song is a German song sung in English about drug addicts in Germany lying to themselves about when they're going to be super successful.

So I guess the Japanese equivalency would be, a song about losers in Japan singing about being popular in the West?

If you mean do they sing the song ever translated into Japanese, I would say no. The Japanese listen to most foreign pop in the language it was originally sung. I don't remember if it was Big in Japan or Forever Young, but I remember hearing one of them while eating in the Nagano Mister Donuts with my kid and being amused in 2018 I think? I know when the anime Paradise Kiss came out, they used the Franz Ferdinand song "Do You Want To" in English as the Ending.

Occasionally, I have heard some Japanese pop songs sung completely in English. ("Strawberry Kiss Kiss" and Tommy February 6'a "Is This Love?" come to mind.) TM Revolution also did "Web of Night" as an exclusive song for the release of Spiderman 2. The song is available in both Japanese and English, both sung by TM Revolution.
by rkold rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese version of ''Big in Japan''? 2022/1/18 16:18
Has Alphaville made their official Japanese debut? Not that I know of. Imported recordings of theirs are sold in stores in Japan, but it seems that no record company in Japan has signed a contract with the German band.

Is a Japanese-language recording of Alphaville's song, ''Big in Japan'', available for sale? Not that I know of. To release an official recording of a different version, you need to clear the rights for the original song. I don't think any musician has done that for this particular song, as far as Japanese-language versions are concerned.

Has anyone sang Alphaville's song, ''Big in Japan'', in Japanese-language? Not that I know of, but you never know. You are pretty much free to sing any version of any song in front of a tiny audience, as long as it's not recorded for the public. In fact, a great number of amateur or semi-pro musicians occasionally, or every quite frequently, make their own Japanese-language versions of popular foreign songs and sing them in nightclubs and such.

I hope I have answered your question.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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