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Softbank and Docomo email service 2021/12/9 02:31
If I subscribe to Email service of Softbank and/or Docomo and I have utilised my storage fully, in this case what will happen to my inbox? Will new emails be blocked or my older emails will be deleted and new emails will come in inbox?

Thanks in advance!
by Nik (guest)  

Re: Softbank and Docomo email service 2021/12/10 14:35
utilised my storage fully
then, they will refuse to receive incoming mails. the senders will receive notices of return mails.
when they have a rule of maximum storage term. they will delete the old mails, when the terms are matured.
generally speaking, if you choose POP3, your mail will be deleted after you received it. it stored in your instrument. (very unlikely to be full in their server.) if you choose IMAP, you probably need to clean up the accumulated mails.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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