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I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/9/26 14:59
How can I say something like "I hope you enjoyed the video/song/etc." in Japanese? Apparently, this is something hard to say, despite how simple it looks.

"見てくれてありがとう。楽しんだ... something something?" お楽しみいただけましたか?

"I hope you enjoyed your trip/meal/whatever." How about these? Would 楽しみ work?

"I hope to see you again/I hope you die soon." I guess the word 希望 doesn't work for them, huh...?

Much appreciate for your help! Thanks in advance!
by JPYoutuber (guest)  

Re: I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/9/26 22:36

Are you going to say it at the end of your video? Or are you going to write it as a response to viewers’ comments? How casual or formal do you want it?

Also it would make a difference whether you are talking about something you showed to an audience (like a YouTube video, song, stage performance etc.) or a meal you had together with someone, for example.

お楽しみいただけたでしょうか。 would be a common way to say “I wonder (and hope) you’ve enjoyed it,” to an audience, in a rather formal way, like an MC on a TV show might say at the end.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/9/27 06:14
I plan to have this as text in the video, at the end, to thank all the viewers for watching. I'd like to know both the casual and formal way of saying it. I'd also like to write it as a response comment, too, if that will be any different.

In this specific case, I'm asking this for a music video from a game. A game soundtrack. "I hope you enjoyed this (watching) this video/(listening) to this song/track."
If it's different to say "I hope you enjoyed your meal/etc.", I'd like to know, too.

Is お楽しみいただけたでしょうか the one-size-fit-all comment for all these scenarios?

by JPYoutuber (guest) (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/9/27 10:47
I hope you enjoyed the video/song/etc." in Japanese?
I think お楽しみいただけましたか? is the most general.

"I hope you enjoyed your trip/meal/whatever." How about these? Would 楽しみ work?
I often read and hear(旅行は)楽しかったですか?or(食事は)どうでしたか?at a situation when it is said "I hope you enjoyed" in English.

"I hope to see you again/I hope you die soon." I guess the word 希望 doesn't work for them, huh...?
Even though translation of 'hope' is 希望, you don't say 私はまたあなたと会うを希望します 私はあなたがタヒぬのを希望します Instead, you use 望む or even don't use any word for 'hope'. For example, また会える事を望んでいます またお会いできれば嬉しいです
by Asiansenior (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/9/27 14:19
…is a formal-sounding sentence, so that would be OK as a text in the video at the end (to a general audience) – but I hope that it goes well with the general tone of your video.

…might be one I suggest as a casual one, saying “if you’ve enjoyed it, I’d be happy!” in a casual tone.

… would be just a tad more formal than the one immediately above (regular “polite” form).

If someone comments to say they did enjoy it, then you might say:
楽しんでくれたとのこと、うれしいです。…saying, “I’m happy to hear you’ve enjoyed it.”
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/9/27 14:21
About enjoying a meal, what I meant was that if you were on a dinner date and at the end of the evening you want to ask “I hope you enjoyed it,” the tone would be completely different from the first formal one I suggested. You’d say something like (in English to begin with) “I enjoyed the evening – the same with you?” or something like that, in a non-formal way. 楽しかったよ。君は? (“I enjoyed it, what about you?” – assuming you are a guy.) or 楽しかったよ。また会える?(“I enjoyed it. Can I see you again?” – again assuming you are a guy.)

About “I hope to see you again”, again there are a whole lot of different ways to say this.
また会いたい。(I want to see you again.)
また会えたらうれしい。(I’d be happy if I can see you again.)
また会えたらうれしいです。(The same as above in a bit more polite form.)
また会えることを願っています。This “negau 願う” would be one verb to express that “I hope” bit. “I am hoping that I can see you again.”
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/9/30 21:23
Thanks a lot for the explanation, you two! Might just be trivial aesthetic details, but:

- ~でしょうか or ~でしたか are both okay, right?
- Should I use exclamation point and question mark (!,?), or just stick with the Japanese period (。)? Are the formers (especially ?) ever used in formal setting, like a research paper?

by JPYoutuber (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: I hope you enjoy X - in Japanese? 2021/10/2 12:30
If you are asking if:
Are essentially the same, yes, pretty much, while the first one is a direct question “Did you enjoy it?” and the second one is a bit more roundabout, asking “I wonder if you’ve enjoyed it.”

Should I use exclamation point and question mark (!,?), or just stick with the Japanese period (。)? Are the formers (especially ?) ever used in formal setting, like a research paper?

In Japanese, the word “ka” at the end of the sentence marks that it is a question, so traditionally “?” was not really used. However, more recently both “!” and “?” are pretty widely used in more casual writing, including blogs and other personal writing on the internet, for example. In formal setting, it might be better to avoid using them, otherwise it could look a bit childish (if the text is dotted with those, that is).
by AK rate this post as useful

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