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Trees & Japanese Giant Hornets 2021/8/18 09:30
Does an entire tree have to be removed (right down to its Roots) in order to get rid of a nest of Japanese Giant Hornets?
by Daring  

Re: Trees & Japanese Giant Hornets 2021/8/18 14:53
As far as I know, no.
They usually remove the beehive itself, then spray either insecticide or wood vinegar to prevent hornets/bees to come again.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Trees & Japanese Giant Hornets 2021/8/20 07:21
Dumb question, but can you please explain how they get rid of the Hornet's Nest without removing the entire tree, right down to its Roots?

by Daring rate this post as useful

Re: Trees & Japanese Giant Hornets 2021/8/20 09:16
They spray powerful insecticide into the hive (of course specialists come equipped with proper gear), then remove the hive. Then apply repellant to the tree. Why would you want to get rid of the whole tree?
by AK rate this post as useful

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