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What Animal Pests does Japan have? 2021/7/31 11:45
To be more specific: "What Animal Pests (that Dig holes (e.g., Rodents) in People's Yards, Parks, OR anywhere that is NOT in The Wilderness (or Wildlands)) does Japan have?"

This Facebook Page (that I created) at is the reason why I ask.
by Daring  

Re: What Animal Pests does Japan have? 2021/7/31 14:00
If you are asking about wild animals that dig holes, then moles. They dig holes through people's gardens and farms, and uproot plants.

American/European badgers – those with white stripes - we donft have any that are native to Japan. We do have racoon dogs (gtanukih native to Japan, and not considered "pests") and masked palm civet (ghakubishinh – not native to Japan), but I donft think they dig holes in the ground.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: What Animal Pests does Japan have? 2021/8/3 10:52
Japan doesn't have any Moles?
by Daring rate this post as useful

Re: What Animal Pests does Japan have? 2021/8/3 11:17
The first sentence in my earlier response mentions gmolesh :) Yes, we do.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: What Animal Pests does Japan have? 2021/8/3 14:54
Wild boar also are digging when searching for food.
And rabbits/hares are digging as well.

I guess there are a lot of animals digging and shoveling around, as tasty things grow under the surface plus itfs a good place to hide.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: What Animal Pests does Japan have? 2021/8/7 14:22
The question of the OP is a bit odd, because a very long list of animals dig for food or create burrows underground for shelter. Example that people might not think of, but is very obvious, is the cockroach.

Japan has large cockroaches, which some might call waterbugs (depending on where you are from). They appear to have certain times of the year that they are more prevalent, and tend to be around sewers or drainage, but will make a dash at any houses or garbage that are nearby.

Cockroaches dig holes and live in underground burrows.
by Rejo rate this post as useful

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