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How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/3 04:14
He is known as the author of Kanojo Okarishimasu and I love his works. I want to send him a letter but I don't know how to send him one because I don't know where he specifically lives. I am sending him a letter because I want to be like him but I don't know how to contact him.
by MochiMoffu (guest)  

Re: How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/3 10:13
you can send a letter through the publisher.

by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/3 13:17
How? In what format?
by MochiMoffu (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/3 14:36
His “Kanojo Okarishimasu” is a series in 週刊少年マガジン (Shukan Shonen Magajine = weekly boys’ comic magazine) published by Kodansha Inc., so sending it to him c/o them would be one way. I see that he has a Twitter account, and some list their contact info, but I don’t know if he does.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/3 17:41
So in other words, I can send him a letter but I will send it to Kodansha? What the format of a letter in japan?
by MochiMoffu (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/3 18:42
Reiji Miyajima has an official twitter account.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/4 08:39
Thank you but how will I send him a fan letter if I don't know the address to Kodansha? And how will the letter look like?
by MochiMoffu (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I contact to Reiji Miyajima? 2020/9/4 12:37
by Uco rate this post as useful

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