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Setouchi Area Pass - High speed ferry? 2019/9/22 06:04
Hi guys,

I am looking for information regarding the Takamatsu -Tonosho ferry. There is a regular and a high speed one but I can't figure out wether the high speed is included in the Setouchi Area Pass or not.
Wherever I find information it only says ferry Takamatsu - Tonosho.
Does the term "ferry" mean regular ferry?
by TomMunich  

Re: Setouchi Area Pass - High speed ferry? 2019/9/22 08:18
You can use both ferry types.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Setouchi Area Pass - High speed ferry? 2019/9/22 17:57
Thank you ;)
That's good news. Where did you get the information from? The website of the ferry company is Japanese only and on the website of the Setouchi Area Pass I couldn't find anything as well.
Does the staff know English or should I at least write down the name for high speed ferry 高速艇 to let them know which I want to take?
by TomMunich rate this post as useful

Re: Setouchi Area Pass - High speed ferry? 2019/9/22 18:09

JR west website in the map of the service area says "super jet"
by hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Setouchi Area Pass - High speed ferry? 2019/9/22 19:00
But super jet only refers to the ferry to Hiroshima.
For Takamatsu - Tonosho it only says Shikoku Ferry

Another question that came up. Are reservations possible/necessary when I want to board the ferry without any vehicle?
Assuming I want to take the last ferry from Tonosho back to Takamatsu. Is it possible they won't let me board because the ferry reached maximum capacity and I'll have to stay on Shodoshima then?
by TomMunich rate this post as useful

Re: Setouchi Area Pass - High speed ferry? 2019/9/22 19:01
"Kou-soku-tei" is not a difficult word, but why not just tell them that you want to get to Tonosho (or Takamatsu) in "35 min"?

But, personally, I always enjoy the bigger ferries, because they give you the freedom to move around inside the ferry, and even sun bath while drinking beer. The view is much nicer too.

Here is the official website of the ferries.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Setouchi Area Pass - High speed ferry? 2019/9/22 19:28
Yes I will try to get the regular ferry because the first regular ferry leaves 6:25 whereas the first high speed ferry leaves 7:40 ;)

But I had to realize that 1 day will probably not be enough for entire Shodoshima even if I take the first ferry. I underestimated the size of the island >.<
by TomMunich rate this post as useful

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