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Mobile internet, Mobal, suggestions 2019/7/19 02:43
I'll be staying in Japan for 34 days and I'd like to have a mobile internet access for that time. From what I've managed to find, my best option would be Mobal Japan tourist data sim for 31 days and another for 8 days, which would cost me 11480 jpy.

Does anyone have any recent experience with them?
Do the sim cards start counting days when first activated, or when bought? Thinking about buying both at once and then swapping them, when the first one expires.
Does anyone have a better (cheaper) suggestion? The other options which I've managed to find were much more expensive/limited in data.

by liskacek  

Re: Mobile internet, Mobal, suggestions 2019/7/23 23:44
I used their voice and data sim in March. Worked great for me.

It's starts counting the days when first activated.
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