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Internet in Japan 2019/6/5 15:21
Hello forum people,

Does anyone know if in Japan will I have the chance to access the Internet for free?

by Melissa (guest)  

Re: Internet in Japan 2019/6/5 15:43
Yes, at some locations. Eg:
-your hotel
-many 7/11
- some train or subway lines
- some wifi hotspots of cities
- some coffee shops/bars...

But itfs not a continuous access. It depends where youfll be traveling how often you can find one. Probably 7/11 is the most reliable bet as there are so many of them.

There is also an app , I think something like gfree WiFi Japan g. I canft use it myself as itfs only for tourists and I am still registered in the Japanese App Store. I think it just shows on an easy map a summary of different existing WiFi spots. Itfs not continuous access to WiFi.

Actually a lot of information is readily available online:

Enjoy your trip to Japan!

by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Internet in Japan 2019/6/5 16:15
There are a number of ways to access the internet in Japan. These include pocket Wi-fi devices, SIM cards, and providers such as hotels, trains, and cafes. I didn't use Roaming but wireless (Wi-fi) hotspots in Japan. Wi-fi for tourists is provided in many public places, such as at international airports and tourist information desks. Japan Connected smartphone app aids you in finding over 150,000 free tourist hotspots. You can also receive a gWi-fi passporth by calling Softbankfs toll-free number to access around 400,000 hotspots at cafes, restaurants, train stations, and hotels. More information:
by Adam Rogers (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Internet in Japan 2019/6/7 21:14
I used Kansai WiFi (Official) where they help you to access a lot of free wifi hotspots in the Kansai Area (Shopping centres, conbini etc.) and I really liked it because It was easy to use because the app accessed the hot spot and transfered you or something like that... (no technical know how on my side ^^'')
by me (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Internet in Japan 2019/6/24 00:26
In the main parks and shopping centers of the city of Tokyo there is good internet wifii to access the internet. Enjoy your stay
by car201 (guest) rate this post as useful

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