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Buy data SIM in Kansai airport late night 2019/1/6 00:48

My flight is arriving at around 930pm and was wondering if there are still shops open to sell data sim in Kansai airport?

I know there are vending machines. I just dont want to use vending machines because I had a bad experience using it and the sim card was not activated despite following all instructions. That cost me a good 5000 yen or so during that trip for nothing.

Love to hear your suggestions.
by kaikaii88  

Re: Buy data SIM in Kansai airport late night 2019/1/7 14:08


base on above link, there are 2-3 shops that open beyond 2130hrs.
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buy data SIM in Kansai airport late night 2019/1/9 08:35
Not much options left.

1) buy next day data sim card in electronic shop
2) Vending machine which you dont like
by justmyday rate this post as useful

Re: Buy data SIM in Kansai airport late night 2019/1/9 23:19
Hi Justmyday,
You are right. Am asking friends who are going to Japan to purchase one for me. If not will try out the vending machine again.
Do you have any experience with the vending machine? Can you share with me your experience with the vending machine?
by kaikaii88 rate this post as useful

Re: Buy data SIM in Kansai airport late night 2019/1/10 08:45
I only bought for overseas customers coming to Japan, and I have never had experienced any issues.
But I also prefer a shop in case if there is an issue.
by justmyday rate this post as useful

Re: Buy data SIM in Kansai airport late night 2019/1/14 22:04
Managed to change my flight to an earlier one and most shops are open during that time. Thanks !
by kaikaii88 rate this post as useful

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