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Huis Ten Bosch 2018/11/3 17:48
We were looking at where to go during our stay in Fukuoka in January 2019 and we saw Huis Ten Bosch. We are very fond of the European vibe it gives but were wondering if it is worth the travel? Would there be flowers (although I'm assuming there will be little to none since its winter)? We are all adults and as I see from the attractions in the theme park, the majority are for kids.

1. Should we go there for a day's trip? If so, how many hours should we give?
2. Which is worth more for adults: the passport ticket or the admission ticket only?

Thanks a lot for the help!
by OdoRi624  

Re: Huis Ten Bosch 2018/11/3 21:09
Firstly you Buy SunQ northern Kyushu pass 3 Day=6000 yen.This Bus pass cover Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Huis ten Bosch etc for unlimited travel.
Then you must Buy 1 Day passport. It is Worth to can visit Nagasaki by bus For 600 yen unlimited travel.
by Jo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Huis Ten Bosch 2018/11/4 04:01
You are right that warmer months are much better to visit. It's most famous for the tulips in spring, but the hydrangea in late spring are drop-dead gorgeous.
But during the winter months, it also has its illumination, and they do a pretty good job of it to compensate for the flowers.
If you are going to go there, I suggest you go the whole nine yards though and also see Nagasaki which is one of Kyushu's most interesting and beautiful cities.
Another hidden jewel in the area is the Yutoku Inari Shrine - which is one of the best places you'll ever see in Japan - and without the massive crowds you see at other places like in Kyoto. See it before it's discovered by the tourist guidebook "experts" and they send in the crowds there.

BTW if you are very fond of the "European vibe" you'd also love the other big sight in the region, the Arita Porcelain Park - it will make you feel like you just walked into Germany. And it's free.

But for the Huis Ten Bosch tickets, it depends on what you want. If the weather is good, going up the observation tower gives a very good commanding view over the area. Also, few people pay to go to the Palace, which really does look like the original in Holland (on the outside anyway). I got the basic ticket and paid a la carte for the rest since I didn't care to go on the amusement park type rides. Up to you though.
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Huis Ten Bosch 2018/11/4 18:07
Oh, I see....How many hours did you guys tour the place?
by OdoRi624 rate this post as useful

Re: Huis Ten Bosch 2018/11/5 06:34
I spent half a day there, which was plenty for me. If you don't linger, you could do it in 3 hours, or a bit more if you eat lunch, go on some of the rides, etc.
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Huis Ten Bosch 2018/11/5 07:33
Being from Holland I found Huis Ten Bosch to be amazing. Like bring in my own country but 10 times neater.

Not all the attractions are great but we had a lot of fun. Just walking around was the most impressive.
by WJ (guest) rate this post as useful

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