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Good, reasonable hosting service in Japan? 2018/9/30 20:35
Ok, so I plan to create a website for a project, but I don't want to spend a ton of money on an overpriced hosting service. I'm hoping to use a hosting service that is reliable when it comes to SEO and actually helping my website come up in searches on google and other search engines.

I definitely want to go with a hosting service with a server in Japan as it will just allow my website to run much faster for the visitors.

Are there any hosting sites that don't increase their prices as your website grows in popularity with increased traffic or do they all operate this way?

I read that with certain hosting services, your website will just suddenly disappear if the service ends in any way?

Do any of these hosting sites have good quality, responsive online support?

Ameba Ownd
Cloudflare CDN
by blondesurferboy  

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