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Asahi net and other internet options 2018/9/20 14:14
I've been on Asahi net Wimax for almost two years. I will cancel my contract in a few months as the connection is unstable and really slow particularly late in the day. The battery life of the pocket wifi sucks so I end up using it only at home (central Tokyo). I'm looking for alternatives and would appreciate any advice related to a faster, more stable connection for a similar price.
by Abby7  

Re: Asahi net and other internet options 2018/9/21 05:00
Odd. I use AsahiNet, and have for many years without any problems. I believe my monthly payment is yen 837. I am not a heavy user - not a gamer, etc. Mostly just email and news surfing.
by Paul (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Asahi net and other internet options 2018/9/25 08:49
Thank you Paul. Do you have Wimax? Pocket wifi? I pay over 4000‰~ per month.
by Abby7 rate this post as useful

Re: Asahi net and other internet options 2018/9/25 16:37
Sorry, no I don`t. I have NTT Flets/Docomo and use a WiFi at home.
by Paul (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Asahi net and other internet options 2018/9/26 10:42
you can upgrade Wimax with campaign price, because they will terminate to provide Wimax. (they slowed down the speed of Wimax.)
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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