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Huis Ten Bosch Station to Park 2018/5/16 18:52
The distance between the train/bus station to the park is quite far.
Is there a free shuttle bus that guests can take from the train/bus stations?
by Deyl (guest)  

Re: Huis Ten Bosch Station to Park 2018/5/17 11:33
Hi. You mean the Nagasaki Bio Park? As in the most awesome place in the universe? or the Dutch theme park?

The station to the theme park is just across a bridge, maybe 200m away. I dont recall a bus but there probably is one because there is a bus that goes from the park to the various hotels around it.

If you mean Nagasaki Bio Park there is a shuttle bus, it goes about 4 times a day from memory. It starts at Hotel Lorelei (sp?) and then goes to a pickup point at the theme park and takes about 40 minutes. If you werent planning on going to Nagasaki Bio Park, have a look at the website.
by Lazy Pious (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Huis Ten Bosch Station to Park 2018/5/17 14:28
I meant Huis Ten Bosch hehehe because when I googled it says it will take probably around 20 minutes from the bus station to HTB park.
Since we will be carrying our luggage (but will not stay the night there) I was thinking 20 minutes walk will be a challenge.
by Deyl (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Huis Ten Bosch Station to Park 2018/5/17 14:33
The park is across the road. A couple of hundred meters.
by hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Huis Ten Bosch Station to Park 2018/5/17 20:51

Leave your luggage in a coin locker at the station and walk across the bridge to the park entrance:
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

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