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Gotemba: nino-oka and itsukushima hours 2017/7/10 23:04
Any idea on the operating hours of these temples? I can't seem to find anything online.
by jasonlong1212  

Re: Gotemba: nino-oka and itsukushima hours 2017/7/15 17:58
Both Ninooka and Itsukushima are shrines, hence open for 24 hours.
by Luisjp rate this post as useful

Re: Gotemba: nino-oka and itsukushima hours 2017/7/23 01:04
I had no idea that shrines are 24 hours. This was quite helpful. Thanks.
by jasonlong1212 rate this post as useful

Re: Gotemba: nino-oka and itsukushima hours 2017/7/23 07:25
Just because the grounds of the shrines are open 24 hours. Doesn't mean they are worth visiting any time of a 24 hour clock. Pray areas can be locked up at night, certain areas have no lighting etc. So still need to do some research if you plan to visit outside the normal daylight hours.
by hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

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