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How difficult is the trail to Misen (Daisen)? 2014/3/13 02:48
Next summer, I'd like to climb up Misen Peak.The time seems very long (5hours).
My wife (34) and me (37) are in good health but don't practice regularly any sport.

Have you some informations about this trail ? It is difficult/dangerous ? What about the temperature in the summit ? Can you give some advice ?
Thank you very much for your help.
by Fred (guest)  

Re: How difficult is the trail to Misen (Daisen)? 2014/3/15 10:47
According to some websites, Mt. Misen is not so dangerous. It's only 500m high and has trekking route.
But for your safety, bring maps and compass is recommended.
by Y.O (guest) rate this post as useful

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