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Udo shrine to Sun Messe Nichinan 2013/9/21 18:10

I am planning for a 1-day trip as follow :-

jr miyazaki-jr aoshima (jr 7.51-8.23)
aoshima-udo shrine (miyazaki kotsu bus 10.29-11.05)
udo shrine-sun messe nichinan (bus time ???)
sun messe nichinan-jr aburatsu (bus time ???)
jr aburatsu-jr miyazaki (15.50-17.14 via limited express Umisachi-Yamasachi)

I cannot find the bus timetable as indicated in ??? Could anyone advise ?

Thank you.
by Ton (guest)  

Re: Udo shrine to Sun Messe Nichinan 2013/9/22 07:14
There is some information on bus access to Sun Messe Nichinan in the following thread.

by William5 rate this post as useful

Re: Udo shrine to Sun Messe Nichinan 2013/9/22 14:22
Hi William5,

Thanks. I went to that thread before but there was a recommendation to 'ask a new question' instead of 'reply to the thread'. That's why I opened the new entry.

Again, thanks anyway.

by Ton (guest) rate this post as useful

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