Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Basho Cruise timetable 2013/4/15 21:28
Hi there! I know sometimes translation into English from Japanese or the English page of a Japanese website can lead to misunderstandings, so I ask you this question:

In the page here:

Is the 9:00am cruise from Shiogama to Matsushima available year-round or only in the winter months? It could be interpreted both ways. I'm hoping I can take the 9:00am cruise in October.

I've tried contacting them through e-mail, but I haven't received any response. If ypu can decipher this, I really appreciate the effort!
by Justin (guest)  

Re: Basho Cruise timetable 2013/4/16 13:34
This is Japanese page.
3 timetables are
Left: "Shiogama to Matsushima"
Center: "Matsushima to Shiogama"
Right: "Matsushima to Matsushima (A-course) *reservation required"

There is "9:00" in the timetable of Shiogama to Matsushima.

But there is a note "run on this temporary schedule for the time being".
You might want to check again at near October.

No reply is no common sense!
There is "詳しくはお問い合わせください" means "For particulars, please ask us".
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Basho Cruise timetable 2013/4/16 19:03
Thank you, ajapaneseboy! I will try to contact them once again closer to my departure.
by Justin (guest) rate this post as useful

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